Events with Time Pressure

Some users struggle with being in time-pressure situations. This can be alleviated by introducing a feature that can be activated from a menu with the aim of scaling situations that pressure the user to do something quickly.

Feature Description

The player could enable this setting by selecting “Normal”, “Slow” or “Infinite”. “Normal” will have no effect on the game. “Slow” will about double the time a player has to resolve situations with time pressure and “Infinite” will disable timers altogether. This might require some animation scaling and looping to make this work visually for more situations.

Timed Interactions

Every element that does not directly relate to one of the elements the player is interacting with will be affected by time dilation and has a looping section if visually required. This will allow having a decent visual representation of the elements around the player while still giving them enough time to resolve the interaction with the setting they have selected. The loose condition will be delayed in accordance with the selected setting.

Chase/Escape Events

Ideally, this would directly address the speed with which a monster moves or a cave collapses, but if this is not possible there should be a looping section for each escape event that allows to add more time in relation to these settings. Ideally, the collapse sequence is directly tied to the player’s progression. If there is no good method to make this look good during a chase sequence the chaser should be slower when trying to grab the player and require more time recovering after catching the player. It would also be helpful to slow the monster down while the player is not looking at it.

Real-time combat

The easiest way to help here is by adding slow-down effects during combat. “Adrenalin” in Mass effect does so and there are numerous “bullet-time” or “concentration” effects in games that simply slow down time in combat. If these features want to be used as an accessibility option simply remove any resource cost or cool-down from them.

Additional Reading

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