4. The utilisation of single player role play games to showcase how economic systems work in games

This chapter will quickly clarify, why this work will utilize single-player role-play games in short RPGs to explain how economic systems function in games.

4.1. Economic systems of single-player RPGs as a baseline

If the economic system, which concerns itself with trade and finances, of a game is viewed on its basic level it becomes apparent, that these systems are very similar between most genres. They usually revolve around a simple way for the player to earn and spend currency. Out of all genres, single-player RPGs allow for the most visually relatable explanations and showcases. Because of this, it will be the genre this work utilizes to explain economic systems in games.

Economic systems will usually allow to be translated to games of other genres and this work will showcase how this is done.

The existence of multiplayer does not change how the basic economic system of a game works but rather expands upon it, by adding all possible economic interactions players have to the system. (Azaral, 2012) This means that problems which exist for the basic system, will further exist for the same system for a multiplayer game, but the effects will spread to the other players. For this reason, will this work will not cover multiplayer games. But it should be mentioned that if the economic systems of multiplayer games are viewed separately, problems with the economic player-to-player interaction could be adjusted by the designer since total control of how players obtain goods or currency and how they are allowed to interact with them does exist. This makes the most common problems usually part of the core system.

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